Tuesday 26 March 2013


I love to create. It’s who I am. It’s what I do. It’s how God made me. I am happiest dreaming up new ideas and then trying them out. Most of my creations end up living with someone else. Some are sold for a bit of extra pocket money. Others are given away as gifts to friends and family. I love knowing that what I have enjoyed making can bring a smile to somebody.

The downside is that I rarely get to see the item again. Unless that special something is made for a special someone who shares a roof with me. Today I got to experience that pleasure. I made the kids a cubby house. Not your standard bed sheets and kitchen chair variety either. Though there is nothing wrong with those. I grew up on that particular style and it holds a soft spot, and many happy memories, in my heart.

This one though, is a little fancier. It is still made from a bed sheet but I got the scissors and sewing machine involved too. It has a roof, four walls, a curtain door, and two cute little windows…I digress…

My heart thrilled to hear my children’s laughter as they crawled inside. I was delighted to know that this is not a one off experience. And the whole thing made me wonder how God feels about us enjoying his creation.

When I put the finishing touches on a project, the very next thing I do is sit and admire it for a moment. God did the same thing when he made the world.

Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good…(NIV)

Consider this…

He could have made the world with the basics. One all nutritious food that had everything we needed. One kind of material good for building, another good for clothing.

But He didn’t.

He gave us variety. Colours, smells, sounds, shapes, breeds…I’m only just getting started – we could go on and on here, right?!

God wants us to get pleasure from his creativity. To delight in it. And I think he likes to watch. To enjoy us enjoying it. Giving the glory back to Him.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world. (NIV)


  1. I really enjoyed this! Such good perspectives here and as a fellow creator I relate 100% to the need and passion to make things. I love how you pointed out God's variety. It's so true! We have HUGE variety to enjoy. Enough that there is no reason to not be happy. Your post confirmed some things I have been thinking as well.

    1. I read a book once that touched on why God made flowers and such. The simple answer is that he wanted us to have beauty, which is ultimately good for us. I would have quoted from it only it must be hiding where ever I stuffed it last time I had a read. Thanks for stopping by - blessings :o)

  2. Yep! :-)

    We probably should appreciate God's creation more.


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