Wednesday, 28 August 2013

On Standing and Staring

We took a little detour on our way home this morning and ended up at the nursery. I often day dream of growing a Jacaranda tree. There is an empty spot up the back of the yard that would suit one perfectly.

We meandered around taking in all the plants. Fruits trees with exotic sounding names that were new to us. Old favourites that might one day come to reside happily in our garden. Eventually we found what we were there for; a scruffy little plant that will someday be majestic.

I wandered over to inspect the stands of flower punnets. To see what might catch my eye and ask kindly to be brought home. Hoping to inspire a spot of weeding and general TLC out the front.

Along the way some daffodils smiled at me. Tucked in with them were some beauties I had not previously met. Jonquils. The name was familiar but that is really all I knew. Drawn in by the beauty I breathed in their perfume, ultimately concluding that these would be coming home too.

I have needed dearly lately to stop and take care of me. Overwhelmed by life and feeling so completely inadequate. Not much writing has been happening. Sometimes I feel bad about that. Really though? It’s okay.  My back is thanking me for finally getting around to booking that physio appointment. I trust that with better rest and just taking each day as it comes (because can we really do anything else?) that the little bit I am able to accomplish each day will eventually reduce the mountain to a manageable mole hill.

Instead of living in a mindset of constant exhaustion I am giving myself permission to be still and know.

To stand and stare.

Jacarandas and Jonquils help.

WHAT is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?—

No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows:

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

‘Leisure’ – W. H. Davies

Friday, 16 August 2013

Missing Small

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Small.


Whoever said that ‘small things amuse small minds’ clearly never studied small…

Never got up close to dew drops on the rose leaves

Never went looking for teeny tiny sea shells

Never noticed how furry a tomato stalk can be

Never saw the beauty in an onion flower

Never watched a flower unfurl

Never enjoyed the lavender glittering in the sun

Never knew what shapes make up the middle of a daisy

Never counted the veins on a pea plant

Never really admired a lady bug

Whoever said that? Missed a lot!


Now, your turn…

Monday, 5 August 2013

What's In A Year?

A lot can happen in a year. A lot has happened. What a year it has been!

365 days since I finally got brave. Decided it was time to act upon that quiet voice getting louder.  Decided it was now or never and hit that ‘publish’ button. Then took a great big breath and watched with anticipation to see what would come of it.

Writing is about sharing my story - especially the everyday ordinary treasures I have encountered along the way. In the hope that somebody out there will be encouraged; that it might just brighten a day.

Reading back through a years worth of posts I see struggles, dreams, sweet moments and realisations. Most of all? I see God at work. At the end of a long day (with an extra dose of long) it did my heart good to be reminded of all this.

Thank you to everybody who ever read a post. I am truly blessed by your comments. Or if you decided not to, that’s okay too. Because this blogging thing? It’s not so much about me. It’s about Him...

So pass the popcorn please while we take a little trip down memory lane…

Here's a few of my favourites:

Did I miss any? What has your favourite post been?

Friday, 2 August 2013

A Little Piece of Story

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Story.



If there’s one thing we all share in this house - it’s an appreciation for a good book.

Books and I go way back. I remember gathering around Mum as she read us bedtime stories by ‘Uncle Arthur’. The morals of which have stayed with me. I loved listening to her read to us. I still do.

Another fond memory from childhood is that of my third grade teacher putting on different voices for each character as we progressively made our way through the adventures of ‘The Muddle Headed Wombat.’ The stories are endearing enough. The way she told them made them all the more so.

You don’t hear about that fuddled fellow so much these days. So when a big book of tales appeared in the local bookshop, you can be sure I hung the expense and bought it anyway.

As my children and I laugh our way through Wombat, Mouse, and Tabby Cat’s escapades - I can’t help but feel that a little piece of my story is becoming a part of theirs… in its own special way.


Now, your turn…

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