Friday, 31 May 2013

I Can Only Imagine

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Imagine.


Dear Stepson,

Emails have been flying back and forth lately at a crazy rate. Your phone call this evening confirmed what we’ve been waiting to hear. You’re coming to stay. For eighteen months. The longest you’ve stayed before has been about a week.

We are excited. We are scared. Our brains are going into overload as we try to piece our racing thoughts together. We relish the opportunity to get to know you better. To establish the kind of relationship we have (up until this point) only dreamed of. We have never looked after a teenager before. The eldest child that lives here is ten. And he has Asperger’s - so his lists of interests don’t always exactly fit the norm. We find this genuinely frightening. We don’t know what to do with someone your age.

Our parenting style is quite different to what we understand you are used to. We pray that it won’t be too difficult to get used to each other’s ways. We know that some things have been a little less than happy with the other parent figures in your life. Please know that we want to start this journey with you, with a clean slate. We’ll even paint your room. But first we’d better build it. We have dreamed up a cosy little space for you. The renovating is screaming louder than ever. I have it all mapped out in my mind. I hope you like it when it’s done.

Together we’ll learn things we never knew before. I’m certain you’ll teach us and grow us just as much as we want to help you and be there for you. We look forward to the highs and are bracing ourselves for the lows. We will leave it all in God’s hands.

You arrive in just over a month. How are you feeling? I can only imagine…


Now, your turn…

Friday, 24 May 2013

The View From Here

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: View.


The view from here seems rather daunting
With all its unknown twists and turns.
This path that I have never trodden,
Looms large and dark with things unsure.
Will it be a happy journey?
Or will its burdens drag me down
To depths of strength I’ve not yet found?
The view from here might overwhelm me
If I should sit and dwell upon
The muddy puddles sure to spring up
And catch me without my gumboots on.
The view from here might overcome me
If I just look straight ahead.
But turning round I soon discover
One beside me, taking my hand.
He will walk this passage with me
And I will not be alone.
Should troubles come I need not worry
He will guide me to the end.


Now, your turn…

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Great Faithfulness

I was looking at the calendar the other morning when it dawned on me… I don’t remember the exact date. I just know it was around Mother’s Day 1994. When my glands first got huge and I felt sick and horrible. When Icame down with the glandular fever that began this extreme consciousness of health. Nineteen years ago. I was just thirteen.

It is not really the kind of anniversary one would care to throw a party for. Yet I cannot help reflecting on that line in the sand and everything since. And there is plenty to celebrate.

There is the obvious. The big achievements. Graduating high school, followed three years later by university. My first paid job. My first ‘proper’ job. Meeting my Prince Charming, marrying him – and now our two little princes. There is the moving around we have done with work. The eventual ending up here in this town; our first preference on a daunting list of possibilities. The finding ourselves living very close to schools, and shops, and church. The funds to send this one here or there…

But if I were to leave it at that, the story would be missing so much. So, so much. It would be erroneous of me not to tell you about the daily things. The little things that really are not. The getting up each day. The victory of open eyes, and finding the will power to get out of bed. The blessing of bursts of energy to get ready and go somewhere. The wonder of beauty products that give dignity to a pale face with dark circles under the eyes. The ‘oomph’ to accomplish housework – even if I am not able to do as much as I might like each day. The being a mother. Finding creative ways to spend precious time that my body can handle. The making it to the end of the day. And even the days when I just have to stay in bed; the husband whose job allows him to stay home occasionally and watch the little one so I can rest.

Faithfulness. Great is His faithfulness. It is the only way I have done all this. It is the only way I will go on doing all this.

Psalm 117 Praise the Lord, all you nations;
    extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us,
    and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord. (NIV)

Friday, 3 May 2013

Everyday Bravery

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Brave.

Five Minute Friday


I throw the idea out there in casual conversation. He panics and looks worried. We leave it for a day or two to give him time to process the thought.

But ultimately the time comes whether he wants it to or not. I remind him to be brave. Remind him that brave does not mean the absence of fear, but rather the ability to do what must be done, regardless. Tears are okay.

We try everything that we can think of to ease his discomfort. This time he has a go at massaging his own scalp. It’s kind of funny and we giggle a bit. We spray on water and comb it through. A drop or two of oil for the blades.

It’s going to pull. His hair is so thick – we have done all we can. He grimaces as the switch is flicked on. The clippers have not made contact yet.

He does his best to look straight ahead at the magnet with the kittens. Squeezes Dad’s hand when it pulls a bit. Or if the buzzing gets too much. Little brother stands to the side and offers to sing a soothing song, breaking out in his best rendition of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.’ I work quickly and remind him what a great job he is doing.

It may be just a haircut to you and me. But for my boy it is an achievement. He has been so brave.


Now, your turn…

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