I take
tablets. A small handful every day. At least I should. The truth is I often can
not be bothered. I know I need them. I know they will help me function but in
the moment am often too tired to be bothered standing there opening all the
containers and getting them out. So I don’t (and end up paying for it).
A month
or so ago a brilliant idea whirled into my head. I often say that I would be
happy to take them if someone else would just get them all ready for me. What
if that someone was me? What if I could get all my tablets for the week prepared
and only have to deal with all those containers once a week?
I became
a woman on a mission. I needed one of those handy compartmentalised pill travel
sets. A big one. Most of the ones I had seen around were too small. Just when it seemed all options had been
exhausted (as was I), my ‘Hallelujah’ moment arrived. The girl at the chemist
was very helpful. She listened to my dilemma. Looked at me as if I was a bit
strange (let ‘em think what they like) and then sold me the most expensive
piece of plastic I have bought without a lifetime warranty attached.
This has
space for four lots of tablets per day for a week. Twenty eight wonderful sections.
Requiring only two spots a day, I can fit a fortnights worth in this handy
apparatus. Yeah!
So far
the whole concept has worked really well. The costly contraption has earned its
keep. I guess that means it can stay.
PS - Cheaper versions of this do exist. I know. I saw one the other day *sigh*

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