Friday, 26 October 2012

Squeaky Ants

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Voice


In a quiet, incredibly squeaky tone he gives voice to what he imagines the ants are saying as they make their daily pilgrimage across the kitchen floor and up the wall.

I ask him why he speaks that way. It’s how the ants do apparently. They’re tiny don’t you know Mum. So naturally their voices would be too…

In the grand scheme of things we’re a bit like ants ourselves. But our voices are not unheard by heaven. God does not have to lean down and listen carefully only to be left imagining what we might be saying. He knows and he hears our voice. He wants very much to understand. He does understand.

And he replies. Not in a great big booming voice as would be fitting such a scene if it were a film. No he speaks to us in a gentle whisper. A voice that our hearts can hear if only we are willing to listen.


Hebrews 3:7-8 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…” (NIV)

Now, your turn...


  1. I like this...And he replies. Not in a great big booming voice as would be fitting such a scene if it were a film. No he speaks to us in a gentle whisper. A voice that our hearts can hear if only we are willing to listen.
    Stopping by from Lisa Jo's and so glad I did!

    1. Thanks for stopping by...blessings to you :o)

  2. Sometimes it's a great big booming voice when He needs to make sure I hear Him! But I love your son giving the ants a voice - too precious!
    In the neighborhood at FMF (down the block).
    Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks for taking a peek. Love this way of meeting new people :o)

  3. I love the direction you went with the prompt. Very nice.

  4. Loved this!! I had to see what all this "Squeaky Ant" business was about and this made me grin from ear to ear. I could just picture a child trying to talk like an ant in a high pitched squeaky voice. Oh would I have loved to have been there to see that! Your post today was so creative. I never thought about us from the "ant " perspective, but it makes so much sense. Thanks for sharing this cute story.

    1. It had me stumped for a bit but eventually I thought of something! Kids provide some great inspiration :o)

  5. I was actually really stumped this week on the word voice as well. I had to sit there for a few to collect thoughts before turning on the timer because I couldn't think!

  6. Beautiful! Love that verse :)


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