Tuesday, 30 October 2012

REC Button Faith

Back in 1980-something were two little girls. Sisters. The younger one thought the older one to be very wise and would listen to all she said as if it were gospel truth.

Little Sister was still learning how to operate a cassette tape player. Big Sister had already mastered this fine art and decided to play teacher.

She pointed to each of the buttons, explaining what they were for. The little arrow meant ‘play’. The two lines meant ‘pause’. The square was for ‘stop’. ‘REW’ was to rewind the tape, while ‘FF’ would fast forward it. Little Sister listened carefully.

Pointing to the ‘REC’ button, Big Sister became very serious.  Lovingly but firmly she made very clear that one must never ever push this particular button. No matter how badly tempted or curious. For you see the letters REC when sounded out say “r-eh-k” which is exactly what would happen to the cassette tape and player should this button be pushed.

For a long time afterwards Little Sister treated that button with great reverence. While it puzzled her that the manufacturer would include such a bizarre function, she heeded the advice given and left it well alone…

Mark 10:13-16 People brought their small children to Jesus so that he could lay his hands on them to bless them. But the followers told the people to stop bringing their children to him. Jesus saw what happened. He did not like his followers telling the children not to come. So he said to them, "Let the little children come to me. Don't stop them, because God's kingdom belongs to people who are like these little children. The truth is, you must accept God's kingdom like a little child accepts things, or you will never enter it." Then Jesus held the children in his arms. He laid his hands on them and blessed them. (ERV)

So how does a little child accept things? What does it mean to have faith like a child?

Young children are typically humble. They do not see themselves as greater than another. They are in a position of obedience rather than authority.

Matthew 18:4 The greatest person in God's kingdom is the one who makes himself humble like this child.

They are accepting. This is not permission for ignorance though (we are called to know what we believe and why - 1 Peter 3:15). Rather, this speaks of a ready acceptance of God’s promises; having faith in His abilities and power. We do not need to be grand philosophers to come to Him. Simple faith is all that is required. Trust and obey.

It all sounds too easy doesn't it? Sometimes our adult minds want to fluff it up and add a few rules. Over complicate things. When God gives us direction we sit and have a big evaluation session. We want to know what, why and how. And somehow in the so doing, we lose sight of faith.

I seek God and want to know everything. A detailed plan. But He keeps bringing me back to simple faith. If He said he would do something then He will. That is all.

What is God asking you to trust Him with today?

Friday, 26 October 2012

Squeaky Ants

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Voice


In a quiet, incredibly squeaky tone he gives voice to what he imagines the ants are saying as they make their daily pilgrimage across the kitchen floor and up the wall.

I ask him why he speaks that way. It’s how the ants do apparently. They’re tiny don’t you know Mum. So naturally their voices would be too…

In the grand scheme of things we’re a bit like ants ourselves. But our voices are not unheard by heaven. God does not have to lean down and listen carefully only to be left imagining what we might be saying. He knows and he hears our voice. He wants very much to understand. He does understand.

And he replies. Not in a great big booming voice as would be fitting such a scene if it were a film. No he speaks to us in a gentle whisper. A voice that our hearts can hear if only we are willing to listen.


Hebrews 3:7-8 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…” (NIV)

Now, your turn...

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Peculiar Rethink

This morning was slow. My body struggled to get into gear. On such days staying home is often best. After checking the kids were semi decently dressed I waved them goodbye as they headed off to Church with Daddy.

In the quiet moments that ensued I had a peculiar time… (Ahem)… Or rather, did a mini study on the word ‘peculiar’.

You see I thought I knew what it meant. Strange or unique right?

Well yes it does, but I had never looked up a commentary or Bible dictionary on the matter. I was curious. So I hauled them out along with Strong’s concordance. Then realising it had been a while, I changed to the computer version (much easier!). Exodus 19:5 was the verse of choice. KJV to get the phrase I was after - peculiar treasure.

Here’s what I found

Strong’s definition:

Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to shut up; wealth (as closely shut up): - jewel, peculiar (treasure), proper good, special.

The being shut up part stood out to me here. Clearly very highly valued.

The commentaries gave me something to think about too.

Exo 19:5  Then ye shall be a peculiar treasure to me - He doth not instance in any one particular favour, but expresseth it in that which was inclusive of all happiness, that he would be to them a God in covenant, and they should be to him a people. Nay you shall be a peculiar treasure: not that God was enriched by them, as a man is by his treasure, but he was pleased to value and esteem them as a man doth his treasure; they were precious in his sight. He took them under his special care and protection, as a treasure that is kept under lock and key. He distinguished them from, and dignified them above all people, as a people devoted to him, and to his service. (Wesley)


Exo 19:5 

if ye will obey

(Cf) (1Pe_2:9); (Rev_1:6); (Rev_5:10). What, under law, was condition, is under grace, freely given to every believer. The "if" of (Exo_19:5) is the essence of law as a method of divine dealing, and the fundamental reason why "the law made nothing perfect"; (Rom_8:3); (Heb_7:18); (Heb_7:19).

The Abrahamic: (See Scofield) - (Gen_15:18) and New (See Scofield) - (Heb_8:8) covenants minister salvation and assurance because they impose but one condition, faith. (Scofield)

So there you have it. If we are God’s peculiar treasure we are highly valued - like a precious jewel. Not because we deserve to be, but because He chooses to see us this way.

We are also set apart. For Him.

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (NIV)

Now that is something to smile about!

PS – As you can see all this has contributed to a new look for the blog. I am seeking to get to the heart of what it all means to me. My sincerest apologies if the page has been different every time you've visited here lately. I’m pretty sure I’m happy with it this time (but we’ll see) ;o)

Friday, 19 October 2012

On Looking Alive: Five Minute Friday

I’m starting a new adventure. On Fridays at least. I’m linking up with ‘Five Minute Fridays’ by Lisa-Jo Baker. The rules are simple:

  • Check her blog to get the topic.
  • Write for five minutes about whatever that brings to mind. No editing, just fun.
  • Post it! 

So I gave it a go… Today’s word is ‘look’.


I look around me. What do I see? A mess.

But look closer.

I see a wooden train track. I see a hat; shoes discarded after a long day; a box of nappies; my own crafty mess; a story book; crumbs. Lots of crumbs. I see a lounge that has been bumped from its perfect ‘lined up neatly with the fourth floor board position’; A crooked rug.

I wish it were so much neater. The quiet contentment that brings.

Look again.

A family lives here. LIVES here.  How much better to be alive than stifled by perfection.


Now, your turn...

Friday, 12 October 2012

A Giveaway from We Live Inspired

My friend Rebekah over at We Live Inspired is doing a giveaway to raise awareness for National Feral Cat Day. Please check it out here. Thanks!

Asperger's (and Other Big Words That Come From His Mouth)

Nobody got a card the same as me on Mother’s Day this year. Nobody.

A folded page from an A3 sketch book. The edge is torn where the perforation resisted letting go. Swirls of green, smudges of brown, squiggles of red and purple adorn the outside; no doubt contributed by little brother.

The front bears a cute (big brother) rhyme about this day coming but once a year.

Inside is mostly blank. In the top left corner, neatly framed in a box, there is a message:

Dear Mum,

Happy Mother’s Day!
May God bless you &
our descendants, yet also our
ancestors with the unpainful
cost of not only believing in
the Lord, but also the great
gift of eternal life! We
love you lots.

Sincerely sigged signed,
(His signature and little brother’s initials)

I must confess to smiling when I received this card. Then later, reading it over the phone to my mother, dissolving into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. He heard and was upset. I had to explain myself.

Amused by his peculiar way of saying things, it struck me as genuinely funny. Yet at the same time I was falling in love with him a little bit more. A moment to treasure. His curious way with words; you never quite know what will tumble from his lips next.

My son has Asperger’s Syndrome. There are times we manage. There are days we are driven mad. Then there are moments, sweet, sweet moments where he blesses us with his quirky personality. Our eyes are opened and we see what a precious gift he truly is.

He is one of a kind. I can not imagine him any other way. He has no shame in what he says. He does not know how to be anything else. So he is authentically himself...

There are two reasons for writing this post.

  1. I want to share a little more of my world with you. 
  1. There is a lesson here…

We will need to go back in time just a bit. All the way to creation. 

Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them. (NIV)

Just ponder on that a moment if you will. We were made in Gods image. The image of the divine creator and owner of all that is. Wow!

Fast forward to our own individual beginnings.

Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be. (NIV)

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (NIV)

God knew what he was doing when he created every one of us. As he dreamt us up there was nothing random about it.  He made me; he made you, on purpose.

It has been said that Asperger’s is not a disability. It is a different-ability. Whether we are on the spectrum or not, I suspect that many of us fall into that category.

We each have something unique to offer the world. Never doubt it.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Nifty Notion #3: Commercial Cleaning


So what is commercial cleaning I hear you ask? No, this does not involve hiring a maid.

Instead it is all to do with watching television. Yep! Watch TV and get the house clean. Or just a room. Or just the kitchen table. Whatever it is that really needs doing but right now, in this very moment, you simply do not have the necessary oomph required.

You will need:
1 messy room or task that you really can’t be bothered dealing with
1 television
1 good program that you enjoy watching

How to:
  1. Turn on the telly (did I mention how easy this would be?).
  2. Relax and enjoy the (first) segment of your program.
  3. As soon as an advertisement appears, get up and get as much done as you can before you hear/see your show return.
  4. Repeat steps 2 - 3 until either the program finishes or your task is complete, whichever comes first.

Easy peasy!

I have found that because of the short, and somewhat undefined, length of time to ‘go for it’ more actually seems to get done than otherwise. It’s like you’re racing the ads; more of a game than cleaning (such a dirty word). Before you know it, you have achieved something and rediscovered that long lost end of the dining table or arm chair. Heck, I have even hung the washing this way!

Warning: If you are anything like me, you will find yourself making such profound statements as, ‘This is an ad! Get moving Lizzy!’

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