Friday, 26 April 2013

Real Friends

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Friend.


Moving towns multiple times leaves friends behind like taking a beautiful handful of fresh picked daisies. The roots are still in the ground. They stay behind. The new folk are lovely, kind and welcoming. But they haven’t left their beginnings somewhere else. They are still attached. They don’t need us in quite the same way we need them.

Or maybe if we had more time and energy we’d get to know them better? Maybe if we could keep up with them it would help?

This different kind of friendship thing is blessing that goes deep. An answer to a lonely heart’s desire. A God who sees. And hears. And knows.

We chat and laugh. Sometimes we cry. We share our hearts. We are real with one another. Raw even. We pray. We rejoice. We encourage.

We may never get to embrace this side of heaven. We have never met. And though I long to behold them in the flesh, to sip tea without a monitor in between - these friendships are just as real and precious as any.


Now, your turn…

Thursday, 25 April 2013

A Little Visitor

I've had a little visitor in my garden this week.
Gracing us with his presence each day.
Fluttering about and adding cheer.

When we watch for the little things,
We soon discover a world full of blessing.

He finally sat still long enough to pose for a photo…

Today I'm linking up with Create With Joy for Wordless Wednesday. Where we share our favourite photos with or without words...

Friday, 19 April 2013

To Jump Or Not To Jump

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Jump.


To jump or not to jump? Whether ‘tis nobler to dress and get ready for the day at my own pace - or to race around like a maniac arriving late and puffing, but there. To be present for a child, despite his only informing me the night before of the presentation at school. A one off opportunity. To find out, upon inquiry, that it has already begun… Jump.

To jump or not to jump? Whether ‘tis nobler to stay in bed and let my achingly tired body rest – or to push myself beyond present limits in order to take a child to playgroup. To arrive late and dizzy, but there. Or to carry on as if it were like every other day, keeping quiet and not using the ‘P’ word unless the child should mention it first. To explain that Mummy’s body doesn’t always work properly. There will be playgroup again next week… Not to jump.


Now, your turn…

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Nifty Notion #8: Pumpkin Soup (dairy free)

Whether the weather is just warming up or cooling down, this recipe makes an ideal meal that’s quick and easy with minimal preparation required.

Dairy Free Pumpkin Soup, Lizzy Style
Serves 5-6

Before we begin I have to say that I rarely measure things exactly and often make it up as I go along – adding a splosh of this and a handful of that. This is one such meal. I will do my best to give quantities but they are really only an approximation.

You will need:
1/3 large pumpkin (I use Kent or Jap)
3-4 medium potatoes
1 medium to large onion
5-6 small garlic cloves
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 litre water
1 cup red lentils
1 tablespoon mixed dry herbs
1-2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (I’m not really sure of the quantity here – I give the bottle a hearty shake and then a bit more. I guess it’s up to individual taste)
½ desert spoon honey
Salt to taste

How to:
  1. Roughly chop pumpkin and potatoes into chunks. Peel and quarter onions. Peel garlic and cut in half.
  2. Put in large saucepan with oil. Cook (stirring occasionally) until onion softens and pumpkin and potato begin to brown.
  3. Add water, lentils, herbs, sauce, honey and salt.
  4. Cover and bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer (stirring occasionally) until everything is well cooked and quite soft.
  5. Blend with a stick blender until smooth.
  6. Serve and Enjoy!!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Here Together

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: Here.

Here in this moment I will enjoy my boy. Yesterday I could not. I wanted to but struggled so much. At the end of day review I have with myself, as I wait to grow sleepy, I knew there had not been much to celebrate. Just a lot of impatience, annoyance, frustration, pity parties and general sadness with the situation. On both our parts. To be honest, this is more common than we might care to freely admit.

Daily I ask God for more patience. For joyful moments; chances to appreciate this child who is wired so differently. I long to have a connection with him. Even if that means just ten minutes enjoying something together. I’ll take it…

For several hours now we have been crouched on the floor making a grand old mess. Fabric scraps mix with cardboard and paper leftovers as we cut and glue our way to happiness. We might think differently but we share a love of making. This school project suits us down to the ground. He is unable to communicate to me thoroughly the relevance of this task. I don’t know when it’s due or what it’s for. But here in this now I don’t care. We are both in a contented place – together.  


Now, your turn…

Friday, 5 April 2013

Fresh Paint

Join me in the Five Minute Friday Challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker. Participants write for 5 minutes with no editing, no over thinking, and no backtracking. This week’s word is: After.

Five Minute Friday


Autumn break means time to throw ourselves back into the renovations we began during the last ‘holiday’. We’re almost at the painting bit. Each day the space looks a little more like the dream in my heart. I wait for hubby to finish the window and door trims – then I can make myself useful with the putty and paint.

I have been passing the time by restoring the table and chairs we plan to use in the room…

Before: broken, dusty, cobwebs, evidence of creepy crawly inhabitants, dirty, peeling paint, missing polish, tired, sad, run down, needing love.

After: Fresh, bright, cheerful, restored, clean, smooth, useful, beautiful, loved.

It’s the same with us. God has a dream in his heart for us too. But placed in the master’s hands we can become so much more than an old chair with a fresh lick of paint.


Now, your turn…

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